Coffee Mug Shaped Planter Plans


This is a fun and decorative planter that is shaped like a large 13″ tall coffee mug. It is constructed using staves like a barrel. This project uses biscuit jointed staves, as well as splined miters. It is a challenging build. Make sure to watch the video.
Difficulty: 3/4

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  • two 8-foot redwood 2x4s

  • one fence board (any size, you really only need half a fence board)

  • two 3″ deck screws

  • polyurethane glue


  • table saw

  • drill press

  • band saw

  • router table: roundover bit, slot cutting bit

  • sandpaper

  • optional: miter saw

  • optional: spindle sander, belt or disc sander

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3 Planter Party Pack
Sale Price:$18.75 Original Price:$25.00
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